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China Steel Intelligence

Issue 2-23 | Feb. 7, 2023

China’s return from the Spring Festival holiday has disappointed many in steel and raw materials markets. As previously noted, expectations for the return of demand had been overhyped, when there were so many factors which could delay any real rebound. A reassessment of the demand outlook for the year is …

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Issue 1-23 | Jan. 11, 2023

China’s opening up to Covid and the resulting mix of optimism and chaos has complicated forecasts for the new year. Kallanish expects however that 2023 will see a recovery from a weaker-than-expected 2022. The recovery will reverse some of the economic restructuring achieved over the last 18 months, but not …

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Issue12-22 | Dec. 6, 2022

China has had a tough year, and there is still plenty to worry about. The last few weeks however have seen policy changes that imply a recovery in steel demand in the coming year. The moves come in two key areas, real estate and Covid. Changes in both these areas …

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Issue11-22 | Nov. 8, 2022

The 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist party has confirmed many of the worst fears of watchers of Chinese politics. The economic outcomes of the congress are more nuanced however. Xi Jinping’s clean sweep of promotions to the Standing Committee of the Politburo clearly implies his dominance of the …

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