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German prices to drop further in autumn: analyst

Prices for flat products in northern Europe could go down by another 5-8% until the end …

Acciaierie d'Italia suitors rise to 15

Italy’s Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMT), Adolfo Urso, has announced there are 15 …

Metinvest works on Piombino project financing: ceo

Metinvest is working to attract financing for the construction of its planned steel plant in Piombino, …

Avtovaz expects market share decline amid Chinese imports

Russia’s main carmaker Avtovaz expects its share of the domestic automotive market to decrease after the …

Emsteel enters talks for Celsa units’ acquisition: reports

Celsa's divestment of its non-Spanish steelmaking units is gaining momentum. United Arab Emirates’ largest steelmaker, Emsteel, …

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