Europe News
German steel scrap association Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Stahlrecycling- und Entsorgungsunternehmen e. V. (BDSV) has appointed Claudia Conrads …
Despite the EU’s early exhaustion of pig iron quota from Russia, Italian buyers, including foundries and …
Russian stainless steel production increased in July to 12,677 tonnes, up by 37.3% compared to the …
The Czestochowa regional court has repealed the decision to start bankruptcy proceedings against Liberty Czestochowa following …
British Steel’s losses increased drastically in 2022 despite revenue rising, Kallanish notes from its recent annual …
Truly global, user-friendly coverage of the steel and related markets and industry that delivers the essential information quickly while delivering on most occasions just the right amount of between-the-lines comment and interpretation for a near real time news service of this kind.
Very good overview of the weekly steel market.