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Aurubis, Anglo American look into copper traceability solutions

Mining giant Anglo American will explore the possibility of developing technology-driven traceability solutions for the copper …

Black Sesame Technologies, ZTE form autonomous driving chip cooperation

Black Sesame Technologies, a research and development enterprise of automotive-grade autonomous driving computing chips and platforms, …

Kallanish Asia
Chinese researchers propose greener, more efficient ways of rare earth mining

Chinese researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry recently proposed a new …

Kallanish Asia
Volkswagen Group looks at SOFC to power potential FCEV model

Volkswagen Group is working on a fuel cell electric vehicle that could potentially deliver up to …

Verkor partners with Dassault to improve battery quality

French Dassault Systèmes and battery producer Verkor are partnering to step up development of future lithium-ion batteries, Kallanish learns from …

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