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Chinese government releases rare earth management regulation

Chinese premier Li Qiang recently signed the order of the State Council to officially release the …

Kallanish Asia
Is Australia strategically positioned between the US, China?
Is Australia strategically positioned between the US, China?

Following years of a troubled relationship, China and Australia are now working to restore ties and …

Kallanish Asia
Modi promises more clean energy investment in third term

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has secured a third term, although his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) …

Clean energy investment set to break new record: IEA
Clean energy investment set to break new record: IEA

Global energy investment is set to exceed $3 trillion for the first time, led by spending …

US to reinstate tariffs on Chinese artificial graphite imports

The US government has decided to reinstate Section 301 tariffs on Chinese imports of artificial graphite …

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