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Kallanish Steel Weekly: US gambles with 232 fatigue (May 16, 2018)

US President Donald Trump’s 232 pronouncements earlier this year continue to stir the global pot as individual companies and countries alike seek clarity.

In this edition, we will take a look at the difficulties facing exporters in the Chinese market. Some traders are considering short-selling their material to avoid slipping prices, but they are finding a limited number of buyers willing to take on new material.

Turkish traders are hunting for alternatives to the US market just in case the European Union is granted an exemption following the 1 June deadline that is not extended to Turkey.

The overall feeling there is one of confusion and uncertainty as traders try to figure out what the market will look like in the near-term.

The possibility of an exemption for the European Union remains just that, and prices are reflecting that uncertainty across nearly all product categories.

Finally, in the North American market itself, the 232 is sparking concerns of a summer steel shortage as imports dry up. Associated 232 market movements, like the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement, have stalled on concerns about domestic auto material content and jobs.