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South East Asia Steel Markets

06-24 | June 12, 2024

Flats: Vietnam's import market for commercial-grade hot-rolled coil saw turbulence in May, with importers more cautious in dealings in response to fluctuations in Chinese offers.

Longs: The Southeast Asian rebar import market was muted in May. While offers are stable, volatility in Chinese steel futures is likely causing regional buyers to exercise …

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05-24 | May 7, 2024

Flats: Vietnam’s import market for commercial-grade hot-rolled coil rebounded in early April, but then slowed in late April. Buying interest has subsided as ASEAN buyers have sufficient inventory in an unstable market.

Longs: The Southeast Asian rebar import market turned from weak to strong in April. Rumours that China would regulate …

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04-24 | April 12, 2024

Flats: Vietnam's import market for commercial-grade hot-rolled coil fell rapidly in March, as traders shorting the market disrupted trading sentiment.

Longs: The Southeast Asian rebar import market fell sharply in March. Weak demand and fierce export competition have weakened rebar transactions in the ASEAN market.

Semis: The ASEAN billet market …

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03-24 | March 14, 2024

Flats: Vietnam's import market for commercial-grade hot-rolled coil saw falling prices and fewer transactions in February. The holidays affected market activity, while weak demand at end users caused buyers to delay orders for HRC.

Longs: The Southeast Asian rebar import market remained quiet for most of February before seeing a return …

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