Nissan Motor’s global production grew again in October, the ninth consecutive month of increase, Kallanish learns from the Renault-Nissan joint venture.

Output grew worldwide by 7.8% year-on-year to 518,963 units, a record for a single month, the company says.

The firm’s European output skyrocketed in Spain which registered 41.1% on-year growth to 11,045 units. In the UK however, output decreased -0.5% y-o-y to 45,837 units, the company says.

In Japan, output grew by 36.6% to 95,490 units, the third consecutive month of increase.

In Mexico and US production fell -3.5% to 80,144 units and by -1.2% y-o-y to 91,620 units respectively, a company note confirms. In China, output increased by 9.4% in October to 128,118 units, a record for the month of October.

In the remaining regions combined, namely Taiwan, South Africa, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Brazil, India, Egypt, Russia and South Korea, Nissan’s production rose by 3.1% y-o-y to 66,709 units.

Exports from Japanese plants meanwhile climbed by 21.2% y-o-y to 51,618 units, the sixth consecutive month of increase.